Tuesday, June 16, 2009


If you've ever been tempted my pictures on pages, raise your hand
If you've ever been isolated so badly that you thought there was never a light, raise your hand
If you've ever allowed a complex that says you aren't good enough to exist infect your mind, raise your hand
If you've ever even thought about ridding the world of the body you take up space with, raise your hand.
If you've ever doubted the existence of something greater watching over you, raise your hand.
If you still doubt, raise your hand.
If you've ever imagined that love doesn't exist and that this world is full of evil people, sans a few, raise your hand
If you believe that money and violence will never bring peace raise your hand
If you believe that money and violence are the only way raise your hand.
If you've ever thought that your friends are before anything else raise your hand.
If you are alive because of someone else raise your hand.

If you stand here, in this room, and you don't have a hand raised let me ask you something. Are you alive at all?

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