I had the opportunity to spit at Yorba Linda Friends high school service, and this is my piece. Enjoy.
I'm just a big city kid carrying small dreams like pebbles,
speaking softly and walking with a stick hoping to hit Mark McGuire home runs without the steroids
but somewhere in God’s Great Big Book it says that the weak will shame the strong
and that Bible Scholar Bullies like myself will be left wandering a desert of humility
wondering what dreams are made of
and whether or not we were wrong.
Yet it doesn't take much to have the faith of a mustard seed,
it’s maintaining that faith that takes the shade of vibrant honesty.
But the Lord has a way of dragging out the maimed and unexpected
and delivering them to a seat of power.
Isaac was an old man with a barren wife,
Moses had a speech impediment,
Jesus was a good Jewish boy,
and Rahab was a whore.
But you don't see God at the sidelines screaming,
"You aren't good enough to play on my team, little boy! You haven't fixed up your life so that its perfect"
But instead he tells us to sing
"all of you is more than enough for all of me for and every thirst and every need. You satisfy me with you love, and all I have in you is more than enough."
And the spirit of a loving God reminds us that we are his portion,
and that the things which we consider as being not good enough simply mean that we have ignored what He sees as the right stuff to participate in an active empire.
so I challenge you today to see the field of dreams and the bloodline of biblical proportions
To see the significance that your story could be leaving
and when you're done doing all of that, then see yourself differently.
"For it is one thing to be admired, another to be a guiding star that saves the anguished."
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