Saturday, April 10, 2010

Pharisaic Vision

Pharisee what's it like to finally see
That grace plays a larger role in love than you expected.
You preach from the liar's chair that law
and order are the two legs of Chuck Norris
But you don't fear a round house kick to the face.
There is blood on your hands from the "lost" that died
For they never knew that their Shepherd had his arms open.
Your speaking death into dry bones
and acting like it's the greatest cigar you've ever smoked.
It's cheap and trite like your stupid workshop
where you tell us that living in two kingdoms is a sin
Who are you to tell me that the old way of working is still the best?
This is a point of transition to a new way of thinking
No longer Sin Management Systems
but The Grace Company
and Love Incorporated.
You are so wrong in the way you speak
It's almost as if your picking out the road signs we have laid for seekers
Your false teachings will come with a consequence
You don't know where we are
Or where they have been
You have sat in your ivory tower with books and books
Relationship takes time but you stuff your face with Ramen
Unwilling to put the work in to cook the meal
You will be food for worms

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